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November 2023 News


As we enter the holiday season, we at Hughes County RWD 6 would like to wish everyone the very best.  Enjoy the holidays knowing we stand ready to make sure your festivities and gatherings have the best possible water service without interruption or safety concerns. Hopefully each of our customers understands our dedication to the security and consistency of excellent service. 

Our team works diligently to provide the absolute best possible service to each of our customers. Most people have no idea everything that goes into making that statement a reality. We are always adapting and adjusting to improve the quality of water and the level of service we provide. One of the ways we are trying to be more efficient is using our website (Hughesrwd6.com). Good communication between our customers and the district is essential to the continued growth and prosperity of our business. We would like you, those who utilize our website, to spread the word to your friends and neighbors for everyone to subscribe to our website. It is mutually beneficial in that everyone can stay apprised of what is happening with your water service provider and the district can keep everyone informed, notified, and updated with accurate information, in the most efficient way possible.  To this point we wanted to highlight a few topics of interest from the past few weeks.

The annual meeting of the membership was held November 14, 2023. There were 38 people in attendance, and a lot of good discussion was had. Mr. Willis Rinehart was elected to the Board of Directors to fill the expiring term of Mr. William Orrock. Mr. Orval (Skip) Powell was re-elected to the Board for another 3-year term. The officers were retained as seated. The annual audit was presented and discussed at length. Mr. Greg Meyer, Board Secretary/Treasurer, gave an officer’s report which pointed out many of the accomplishments our District has made, and awards received. The revised By-Laws were presented and adopted to update language and set the guiding documents for the district.  The 2024 meeting schedule was approved as presented. The rate schedule for 2024 was presented and approved. All these documents can be found on our website.

Hughes County RWD 6 has been awarded a $1,000,000 grant through the Oklahoma Water Resources Board for the construction of approximately 3.5 miles a six inch mainline. Plans also include constructing a new water tower about midway on this new line. These system improvements will benefit the entire system by improving service capacity, storage capability and the flow throughout.

The district was fortunate to receive $120,000 through the Hughes County Commissioner’s ARPA funding, which allowed us to rehabilitate both our treatment facilities, purchase much needed equipment for leak detection, line locating, water quality testing and to install a new back-up generator for our office facilities. Utilizing these funds provides a return of our tax dollars that directly benefits our district and the citizens of Hughes County for years to come.

As always, should anyone have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us!

Wishing everyone a very blessed Thanksgiving and wonderful holiday season.

Sheldon Tatum

District Manager, Hughes County RWD 6