System of The Year
April 17, 2024
Hughes County Rural Water District 6 has been honored by the Oklahoma Rural Water Association as The System of The Year!
As we strive to be the absolute best water system in the State, we hope each customer of our service is proud of your water system. Our website ( is how the rest of the world gets to see the district. People who are looking to our district for guidance, sample documents, or just learning about rural water. The Board of Directors and Management encourage everyone to “coach us up.” Sharpen our sword. As legislators, regulators, potential customers, and other water system professionals go through our website; we hope they find encouragement, a true passion to do things right. No matter where you are viewing from, what you are looking for, or even how you perceive our business; All of us at Hughes RWD6 want you to realize: WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!
Being honored as the System of The Year is truly recognition for all of us. We cannot be the best without the support of our customers, critics to help us improve, and people from hundreds of different occupations giving us guidance and opportunities.
Thank you! Thank you to everyone at ORWA for the recognition. Thank you to each customer who supports us. Thank you to all the agency people, legislators, professionals, and to the board and staff of Hughes County RWD6 for being the team that is always raising the standards!